Acupuncture and addiction recovery in Poughkeepsie

It is safe to say that this prickly issue of acupuncture for addiction recovery can be controversial. The truth is whether you believe in it or not you are probably right. Addiction recovery is a unique process. What wise treatment administrators know is that there is no one remedy for everyone. Acupuncture is an effective treatment whose success with addiction recovery has been validated in various studies and through empirical research. And, just as one medication is not right for everyone, acupuncture is not necessarily the answer for every person in addiction.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the utilization of needles or finger pressure to stimulate pressure points under the skin. This process has been successfully utilized in addiction recovery programs globally. Over the years various innovative methods have surfaced that is used in addition to the traditional needle insertion such as application of heat, finger pressure and laser light. Other traditional methods of acupuncture includes moxibustion (the use of dried mugwort which is the name of several aromatic plants.) and the cupping therapy in which a local suction is created on the skin.

Excellent clinical studies and years of physiological evidence supports the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of addiction. If nothing else, the 3000 year history and resurgence of acupuncture as a remedial measure in the treatment of over 40 disorders including addiction as listed by the World Health Organization,substantiate the validity of this ancient practice.

Poughkeepsie residence who seek treatment at rehabilitation facilities have the option to experience the benefits of acupuncture. Acupuncturist utilize the needles or finger pressure methods to assist recovering addicts with the symptoms of withdrawal and to promote vibrant energy within the body system. Additional benefits of acupuncture includes:

  • Reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, headaches, depression, insomnia and flu like symptoms, etc.
  • Alleviate the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Minimize obsessive cravings caused by dependency on chemical substances.
  • Stimulate detoxification such as liver, kidney, lungs and the nervous system.

These benefits of acupuncture help to shift the mental focus from the pain of addiction and discomfort of withdrawal symptoms to the rehabilitation process.

Acupuncture is just one of various holistic treatment protocols offered by rehab centers. These processes augment other traditional treatments in order to provide a comprehensive treatment program for those in addiction. They recognize that the cause and healing for addiction is a multidisciplinary undertaking that relies on the restoration of the body, mind and spirit. As such treatment programs are designed to facilitate total rehabilitation rather than treatment of addiction.

This approach to treatment is significant because it governs the quality of treatment which in turn determines whether an individual is able to sustain long term sobriety or not. As a result it is suggested that you explore carefully the options offered when selecting a treatment center. A comprehensive treatment approach that encompasses both traditional, holistic and innovative treatment methodologies will always provide greater benefits.

Everyone who enters a treatment facility collaborates with their assigned treatment team in the design and selection of remedies that they receive. This activity occurs after a thorough physical, emotional and psychological evaluation has been conducted to determine the current health status of the individual. In other words, you have input in the services and treatment remedies included in your recovery program.

Whether you believe in the use of acupuncture or not, if you are suffering from drug or alcohol addiction in Poughkeepsie, rehabilitation programs can help. The drug treatment process is extensive and inclusive of various treatment modalities which gives you unlimited opportunity to achieve your goal of sobriety.

Call Addiction Recovery Centers Poughkeepsie (877) 804-1531 today for help searching for rehab centers.

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